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What Is AI-Generated Smut?

What Is AI-Generated Smut?

Not too long ago, the thought of a machine producing spicy content was ridiculous! Fiction? Yes. Corporate emails? Surely! But writing erotic content? Surely, that's a task best left to a human being to deal with.

But here we are today, and AI-assisted erotic content is not just limited to exist. It is widespread. Some individuals are using AI to quickly and easily pen down erotic content, while others are dabbling in AI-assisted storytelling. But does it hold any quality? Can machines ever capture passion, chemistry, and tension? Or is AI erotic content nothing more than random words compiled together devoid of meaning?

Let’s talk about everything on the basis of the experience of writers on SmutFinder, from how AI produces these fantasy stories to whether they are actually worth picking up.

How Did AI Start Writing Smut?

We didn’t arrive at AI-generated smut content within a single day. It stemmed from much more innocent ideas, like helping writers brainstorm or improve their grammar. However, when AI was granted the ability to generate creative content, the foundations were laid for misuse of the technology.

That is how we arrived at AI-generated smut.

1. Writers Started Experimenting

Writers were curious and wondered, "Can ChatGPT, NovelAI, and Sudowrite really write racy content?" To their surprise, they found that they could, but the quality was very beginner-level. Some of the stories produced by AI were decent, but some sounded like a robot pretending to be sexy.

2. AI Got Trained in Romance & Erotica

AI models are trained to read and analyze very large correlational amounts of text and are able to mimic writing styles as required of them. Initially, people began feeding AI Romance novels, fanfiction, and erotic novels in order to ‘train’ it on more steamy content. The result? AI models started generating well-thought-out smut scenes – although not without some amusing glitches here and there.

3. People Started Selling AI-Generated Smut

A number of people decided to take advantage of having ‘AI’ assist with their work. Since AI can come up with thousands of words within minutes, it became extremely easy to publish short erotic novels. And so, platforms like Kindle Unlimited became filled to the brim with AI-assisted, or Mostly AI-wrote, erotica under fake author names. While some of these seemed to do remarkably well, there were a number of issues with AI-generated smut.

How Does AI Generate Smut?

The simple answer is that AI cannot feel desire. It lacks the necessary chemistry or emotion humans have. This begs the question, how is it possible for AI to generate something that feels so human?

AI does what it does best: pattern recognition. AI models study large chunks of text and look for common themes, set sentence structures, and frequently used general vocabulary. So, when given the prompt, “Write a passionate love scene,” the AI simply looks through the training data for something similar to what it has been taught.

However, as we discussed, AI does not possess true world experience. This is often why systems get confused.

What AI Smut Gets Right?

Speed- Overall, AI can write thousands of words within minutes. This is revolutionary for writers who want a quick first draft.

Creativity (in an unexpected way)- Sometimes, even skilled writers can be taken aback by an AI's phrase. They are not always usable, but they certainly can provide an interesting concept.

Endless Ideas- Unsure how to initiate a scene? AI can come up with dozens of spicy prompts in seconds.

Where AI Smut Goes Wrong?

Lack of Emotional Depth- AI understands words, not feelings. It emulates passion but captures it rather rarely.

Weird, Repetitive Phrasing- Certain words in AI's writing are guaranteed to be overused, resulting in awkwardly or robotically constructed sentences.

Unintentional Comedy- The most outrageous metaphors are fueled through AI-written smut.

AI Smut vs. Human-Written Smut: Can Machines Compete?

AI's development is fast-paced and unprecedented, but it lacks in some areas for doing smut.

Why Human-Written Smut Is Still Better?

  • Chemistry Matters- Smut is more than just actions; rather, it is the tension, build-up, and emotions between characters that AI fails to capture.
  • Better Pacing- Writing is an intricate art for humans, unlike AI, which manages to shred through scenes. For a human, knowing when to slow down and when to build excitement is everything.
  • Believable Dialogue- AI's dialogue can be so stiff, rigid, awkward, or weir clear lines that no sane person would utter. Unlike AI, humans can orchestrate more appealing and engaging dialogue.

Notably, AI can't be dissed for everything. Many writers are able to use AI to tackle writer's block, for early drafts, and even for inspiration. But can it fully replace human-written smut? Not yet.

Will AI Replace Smut Writers?

That’s improbable; AI might pump out content in record time, but it is utterly devoid of capturing humanity’s flair for storytelling. AI does not supplant writers; rather, it acts as a tool for brainstorming and drafting, although its output needs extensive editing to polish it.

Currently, AI stands as an insufficient writing assistant. It can contribute, but the human element is fundamentally needed to put the polish on the writing.

Can AI Smut Be Ethical?

As AI-generated smut gets more attention, new ethical questions are arising, such as:

1. Who Owns AI-Generated Smut?

AI does not produce content in a way that is truly original like a human would; it creates text from imprints left in its system. If an AI algorithm that utilizes text from copyrighted romance novels or erotica is trained, is it not using the work of actual writers without their due credits? There are always two sides to every issue, and in this case, while one piece suggests that AI writing serves only to provide a remixed version of the content, the other embraces the AI’s model as an innovative piece of work.

2. AI and Consent Issues

AI often depicts real people without their consent for stories that are more fictional than true. With the rise of deepfake erotica AI, which creates explicit content featuring famous people or notable private individuals, this poses a much bigger threat. Many new platforms are starting to ban adult AI-generated smut featuring real humans, though these measures are tough to enforce.

3. Flooding the Market

A majority of the public is using AI as a tool to generate and upload erotic content for profit. Considering that AI can produce thousands of words in minutes, devices that are capable of producing works in bulk leave human writers in the dark, and readers suffocated in bad smut. Instead of readers attempting to seek out good stories, they should be seeking out well-written pieces of literature in the abyss, which is AI-generated smut.

Final Thoughts

AI-generated smut is fascinating, unpredictable, and sometimes downright weird. While it can be a useful tool for writers, it’s not quite ready to replace human storytelling. The finest erotic fiction is not something mechanical; rather, it takes a healthy dose of feelings, passions, and chemistry that AI fails to understand.

For now, AI smut is like a well-meaning but clueless wingman. It tries its best, but sometimes, it just doesn’t get it.